
A Good Unit is . . .1 min read

A good unit is one that can perform any operation that they have never done before, with partners they have never worked with before, in a place they’ve never been before, and do it right the first time.

I came across this above phrase somewhere along the line from one of the books I read and wrote it down. I’m not exactly sure where it came from, however, I am guessing it came from one of my readings on Navy Seals.

When reading it, I really took in the power of the statement as it made me realize the high level of excellence in carrying out that statement.

Most of us here are in business and sometimes we have challenges with ourselves, a team member or with the team overall in the manner of execution.

In reading this above statement, what does it take as an individual and as a team to execute in that manner? What type of responsibility and ownership do we need to take on ourselves to be one of the strong links in the chain of execution? What type of trust must we have in all the members of the team to execute on their own level of excellence so the chain stays strong?

Answering the above questions could just be the start of understanding how to properly execute any undertaking. This way the next time your organization is looking to carry out an assignment of execution, let them first read the above, ask themselves some of these questions and get clear what it takes to be a good unit.