
That’s how it works!4 min read

Just a week ago, my colleague and I had the honor, privilege, and pleasure to guide forty like-minded business owners on the journey in creating their 2019 business plan. I was thoroughly impressed in their commitment to themselves and those around them throughout the day. I was especially proud of the clarity they were able to capture as their plan was complete at days end.

In attendance we also had a couple of actual coaches join us for the day to work on their own business plans. Over the lunch break, the three of us were having an engaging conversation about coaching practices. One of the coaches was asking me about some of the group programs I run with certain clients and simply ask me how does it work. As I was about to reply I looked over at one of my groups and they were all in a heavy engaging conversation themselves. I scanned the other side of the room at the other group of which were all lined up next to each other working on their plans. As I witnessed this, I simply pointed and said, “That’s how it works!”

I was absolutely impressed and proud of how these smaller groups, as well as the entire group, worked together as they assisted and encouraged each other throughout the planning process.

I share this as we had forty different business owners, running different businesses in different industries, with different goals and dreams, there were of different cultures and places of origin, however, they were all working together.

As I reflect. I see that if all these business owners can unite and strive together to create their future, imagine what type of community and unity that can be created in an organization where everyone knows the common goal of that organization.

I will share six steps that must be put in place to capture this type of synergy in any organization.

#1. Start with Behavioral Assessments  These will provide you with the ability to know who you’re talking to and how to communicate with them properly. – This is the starting point of knowing how to get the best out of your team!

#2. I find that communication in whatever form is at the bottom of any breakdown – From a husband & wife to a corporation with hundreds to thousands of employees – It always starts with communication.

To keep communication flowing we implement short useful, constructive effective weekly meetings.  This will provide KPI clarity, proper follow up, less stress, time & energy spent throughout the week – People will be clear on their roles & responsibilities – Most importantly, you won’t have to go back and explain things two or more times. – This alone will free up your time to work on and grow the Business.

#3. The entire organization becomes aligned on the Vision, Mission & Culture of the Organization.  If your team is not aligned with the purpose of the organization, they will be just punching in 8 – 5. Having them aligned with the vision of the company will increased ownership, accountability, productivity which most importantly will drip down to increased margins and profits!

#4. We create the Organizational Chart showing the divisions of leadership both now and 3 years out.  This creates the destination of the business that eventually works for you and the path to the exit plan!

#5. We create Position Agreements with Roles & Responsibilities documented for all staff followed by a 90-day review process.  Gets your team to do what they need to do, how they need to do it, when they need to do it, without waiting for you to approve it! – Creates one of the 6 human needs being the need for Growth – Increases Employee Retention – Identifies your key players to run the business for you!

#6. We create Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) for all staff and divisions that are consistently documented, tested & measured.  You’ll know that the business and people are performing.

Follow these six steps and you and your organization will be soon on the path to greatness and will be able to say “that’s how it works!”