
An Aligned Spouse / Partner = Success

I would like to share something that has had a big impact on my life. Forty-two years ago, I met a lovely lady named Susan Telford. We dated for six years before getting married. We just recently celebrated our 36th Wedding Anniversary. Now, for me to say over 42 years that everything has been perfect, anyone who’s married knows that would be an outright lie. However, I reflect of when our last child, Zachary, left the home about three years ago, how my wife’s and I relationship has gone to a whole new level.

We reviewed our finances a few years back where we went over our balance sheet and we got on the same page where she began to understand assets, liabilities, and how it all works. We shortly thereafter became debt-free and built additional wealth from that point forward. Susan is involved in my business however, doesn’t work in my business. She knows a lot of people in my business community, knows my clients, knows a lot of other coaches, attends conferences, and has a lot of fun. I cannot tell you the value it brings when you and your spouse are dialed in on how you serve each other and when you can look at each other and say, “We’re a great team.”

I have a particular client, Eric, and Kristen, both attorneys. Eric has his practice. Kristen used to work for her father’s practice. About a year and a half ago, they joined forces. Every once in a while, you witness a couple that make it work, both in business and life. My wife and I make it work in life. We don’t work together in business, but Eric and Kristen make it work in business to the point I was so impressed, that I called Action Coach and said, “We have to create a new award. It’s ‘The Power Couple Award’ where a husband and wife can work together, live together, and make all things work cohesively.” It’s amazing. Not everybody can do it, but I’m here to speak for myself, when my wife and I are on the same page, where we love each other’s company, and when we look at each other when we’re on exotic vacations, and ask ourselves, “Wow, is this real? Are we here?” I’m so grateful, seeing so many relationships over 42 years come and go, and we’ve gone through the good, the bad, the indifferent, and are better off now than we’ve ever been, tighter now than we’ve ever been.

Why do I share all this? I will tell you what type of impact it makes on me and how I show up in my business to be more of an asset to my clients. I’m here to share how important it is for a husband and wife to work on whatever you need to work on to be tight and leverage each other. Understand that you could not be here without the other. There is no way I could be who I am and enjoy success without her being my biggest cheerleader over the last 42 years. No matter what happens in my life, as long as she’s got my back, I’m good.

I just figured I’d put this out there and give all you married men and married ladies, something to think about. We could all write a fine line down the middle of a piece of paper where on the left, write down everything about our spouse that we would like to knock them out and send them to the moon for, and on the right, every reason why we married them and why we love them. I’m here to tell you to focus on the right side. Forget about the left as that side doesn’t matter.

You get in life what you focus on, focus on everything that made you want to be with that person for the rest of your life and that’s exactly what you’ll get. With that type of focus and intentionalism, you’ll be amazed how it begins to spread into everything else. Hopefully, this has been valuable for all you married men and women, and hopefully, I gave you something to think about today.

COACH MICHAEL DILL is an Award-Winning Certified Business Coach, global speaker, and published author. He is a proud Action Coach Franchise partner as well as the President of Power & Ice Wealth Creation a strategic leadership company that works with business owners, leaders, teams, and entrepreneurs to both develop a systematized and structured organization while accelerating their mindset, efficiencies, and effectiveness to grow both personally and professionally to achieve extraordinary results. He brings more than 40 years of business and entrepreneurial experience in his leadership, team training, and mentoring practice. Businesscoachmichaeldill.com