
Book of the Week: Twelve Pillars by Jim Rohn & Chris Widener3 min read


The Twelve Pillars is a book written by the late great Jim Rohn along with Chris Widener another accomplished writer and speaker. The Twelve Pillars is a very entertaining and easy to read book that is packed with tremendous value.

The Twelve Pillars is a story about Michael Jones, who’s car broke down on the side of the road. Walking to the nearest house, Michael stumbles across a plantation style mansion named the “Twelve Pillars.” Charlie, the maintenance man, helps Michael get back on the road however along the way builds a relationship and shares with Michael – the Twelve Pillars of Success – that have made the owner of the house, Mr. Davis a wealthy and successful man.

Chapter 1 – A Chance Encounter – “The only way things are going to change for you is when you change.” Work harder on yourself than you do on your business. Every life form seems to strive to its maximum except human beings.

Chapter 2 – Live a Life of Health – “You should make sure that the outside of you is a good reflection of the inside of you.” Simply speaking; make sure you work on your soul and spirit as well as your physical health.

Chapter 3 – The Gift of Relationships – It takes Time, effort and imagination to keep any relationship flourishing and growing. Don’t get so caught up in your profession that you forget to spend the quantity and quality time with those you love.

Chapter 4 – Achieve Your Goals – My favorite quote in the book – “The major reason for setting a goal is for what it makes of you to accomplish it.” Charlie’s advice to Michael in the book was to simply – write down your goals. Writing down your goals all of a sudden make them real opposed to a thought in your head.

Chapter 5 – The Proper Use of Time – Another great quote – “Every day has many opportunities, but only one best opportunity.”

Chapter 6 – Surround Yourself with the Best People – “Don’t join the crowd; you won’t grow. Go where the expectations and the demands are high.”

Chapter 7 – Be a Lifelong Learner – “Formal education will make you a living. Self-education will make you a fortune.” You should be reading more books after you left schooling than when you were in it.

Chapter 8 – All of Life is Sales – The art of life is influence and influence is being a person of talent and virtue. Always be a person of strong character and increasing skill, and you will always be growing in your influence.

Chapter 9 – Income Seldom Exceeds Personal Development – “What you become directly influences what you get.” I believe that we all have a special prize waiting for us in life however we must grow as a person to earn the right to receive it.

I will leave you here as you can learn the last three Pillars by picking up the book and giving it a read. And when you read this book and as you apply the Twelve Pillars in your life and business. You will learn the twelve key ingredients of how a full and successful life is lived.