
Book Review: Speed Wealth by T. Harv Eker2 min read

Speed Wealth is a quick easy read that covers; ‘’How to make a Million in your Business in three years or less.” It is a must read for anyone who wants the simple key ingredients to take their business to where they want it to be.

There are several key principles in the book to follow. The first and most important is that you must develop a SpeedWealth Mindset! The key ingredient is this principle is you must possess a strong DESIRE to acquire. You must truly want to create financial freedom quickly. The 3 – 5 year mission you part yourself on will require focus, commitment, and hard work. Remember that if you are going to work hard anyway, you might as well get rich… and the quicker the better.

The second Principle is “Deliver Massive Value.” Money is a convenient symbol that represents and measures the value of goods and services exchanged between people. The key word is VALUE. It’s the value that determines your income. Everyone uses the term “Under promise and over deliver,” how about “Over promise and over deliver!” Do it well or don’t do it at all!

If you want to get paid, you must deliver your value to people. If you want to get rich, you must deliver your value to a lot of people.

Two other principles of this book were actually mentioned in this week’s earlier blog and those are Systemize and Leverage. Systems simply means Saving, Yourself, Stress, Time, Energy and Money. Leverage means Doing more with less. If you don’t have systems or if you’re not using leverage in your business, you’re working too hard, and making too little, which is the exact opposite of SpeedWealth.

One of the final principles is “Start with the end in mind.” I meet many business owners who are not clear on exactly what it looks like when they are finished. If you don’t know what it looks like, well how can you get there? Your goal should be to duplicate or sell your business as that’s where the real money is. So, get clear o where you want to end up and work backwards on putting the roadmap together to get you there.

Last is “Do it Now!” Why wait – develop the skills to be your best. Practice being whoever or whatever you need to be to build the business you dream of, however Do it Now! If you want to get paid the best, be the best!

I will leave you with a phrase that I liked in the final chapter – “You want to blend money with meaning, profit with purpose, and street smarts with heart.”

Pick up the book, give it a read and I’m sure you will enjoy it as I did.