We have all heard the term The Great Resignation, as where this large influx of employees moved from one organization to another during the pandemic. A lot of these employees left for certain reasons. The grass was greener, more money, whatever the reason. However, what I’m seeing now is what I believe is The Great Resignation – Part II, which essentially is a culture shift.
Just a couple of weeks back I ran a team day with a client I’ve been working with. They had one particular employee that had left about three months ago only to come back a month later. Why? He felt that the grass was greener however, what the competitor promised was not what they delivered.
In another instance, the same client, another large competitor of theirs was bought out by a hedge fund, and the new ownership, start looking only at the bottom line, as opposed to also looking at the team. In one instance one of the crew leaders had a conversation with one of those investors/owners and was asked, “What’s more important? The customer or the team?” Of course, the crew leader mentioned the team because the team takes care of the customer. However, that investor/owner said, “You’re wrong.”
That is when that crew leader and his two crews, a total of 13 people shifted from that organization to my client’s organization. Why? Because my client has a team-focused culture in place. They understand what it takes to run an organization right.
Let me explain what shift is beginning to take place. For the last couple of years, we’ve witnessed a large pool of employers recruiting from a small pool of employees. Some of those employers, most likely overpromised those employees. Those employees felt that the grass was greener and they shifted over, but when those employees arrived at that other organization, they experienced that what they were promised was not delivered.
I’ll share an alarming statistic, 72% of the people that have left their original job during The Great Resignation regret their decision. Think about that statistic, 72%. That means seven out of every 10 people that transferred from one organization to the other in the last two years, regret their decision.
What you’re going to witness now is exactly what you’ve seen with the company I have been working with. You’re going to witness these employees realizing they’re not getting what they were promised, and they’re going to be looking for the organizations that simply does business right by doing what they say.
If you want to know how to take advantage of the Great Resignation – Part II, here are a few tips.
1. Make sure you’re very clear on the culture of your organization, and your so-called rules of the game. What gives people a reason to do business with your organization? What reason does it give your employees to want to represent your brand? Make sure you have a solid culture and articulate and embrace the entire team with that.
2. Under-promise, over-deliver. Don’t tell people you’re going to give them this, that, and everything else and not deliver on your promise. They’re just eventually going to go somewhere else. Be honest, tell the truth, and deliver on your promise.3. Make it about the team. The cycle of a business is simple. The owner or owners take care of the team. The team takes care of the customer. The customer takes care of the business, and the business takes care of the owner. If an organization misses the link between the owners and the team and goes straight to the customer, they’re going to miss the proper cycle and those team members are going to feel unappreciated and eventually go somewhere else.
4. Have weekly meetings and conversations. Keep everything addressed and properly communicated in weekly meetings. In addition, and most importantly; don’t avoid difficult conversations with people on your team that you need to have. Let them know where they stand. Let them know what good things they have been doing with the organization, and then ask them to tweak certain areas. Realize that, every time you speak to somebody on your team presents an opportunity to coach them up to go to the next level. Don’t avoid the conversations. Just have a conversation about why you appreciate them being part of the team and what they can do to be better.
5. Build trust. When you’re being authentic. When you’re being honest, when you’re making about the team, when you have the right structure, culture, and accountability in place, you have the ability to build trust. You are the leader of the organization. They will see that you do as you say, and you say as you do, and that’s the type of authenticity that will have others step up.
6. Most importantly, our job as leaders is to build leaders. The more you step up as an individual, the more people in your organization will do the same.
Understand, as we read this, there’s a shift happening. We all heard about The Great Resignation; however, I predict The Great Resignation – Part II is beginning to unfold. These are a few of the ingredients to take advantage of it. Hopefully, you’re doing it right and you will take advantage of the people that are looking for the right organization with the right culture that they want to represent with pride.
COACH MICHAEL DILL is an Award-Winning Certified Business Coach, global speaker, and published author. He is a proud Action Coach Franchise partner as well as the President of Power & Ice Wealth Creation a strategic leadership company that works with business owners, leaders, teams, and entrepreneurs to both develop a systematized and structured organization while accelerating their mindset, efficiencies, and effectiveness to grow both personally and professionally to achieve extraordinary results. He brings more than 40 years of business and entrepreneurial experience in his leadership, team training, and mentoring practice. Businesscoachmichaeldill.com