
ICE 2000

First, let me be the first to wish you a happy New Year. Let’s make 2025 our best year yet. Hopefully, you took advantage of last week’s workbook, which you could create the exercise of getting clear on what you’ve accomplished, what you’re grateful for, your bucket list, and your goals, both personal and professional for 2025.

If you haven’t done that exercise, go back to last week and do it. You’ll get a lot of value out of it. I did it myself along with a lot of additional planning to get prepared for 2025, and it took me back as I looked at goals from five years ago, which I essentially knocked out of the park. It makes you very grateful for the things you didn’t think were possible five years ago, what are now an accomplished checklist.

Getting back and looking at the past. I go back to my mantra of attitude, action, results. It took me back to where it came from the market adversity of the .com bubble. It was a Friday afternoon, March 10th, year 2000. Everything with a .com on the end of it was off to the races, but the bubble burst on that day and the market was quite turbulent for at least two and a half years which went on until October of 2002.

You throw 9/11 in the mix and you have a few years of tremendous adversity. The world lost $5 trillion in market capitalization in that time. That was a lot of wealth that just went poof. During that time, I was challenged, and that’s where I came up with the attitude, action, results.

Attitude, I needed to do whatever I needed to do to get my head right in the morning with market adversity where I could stay on track. Action, take the right activity. Do whatever you need to do to move yourself and your business forward so you’re focusing on the goals and plans instead of the noise. Once attitude and action take place, results will soon follow. That theory worked out very well for me and I adapted it to my coaching practice.

During that time of 2000 to 2002, once I got my head right and got on track, there was a particular day, like any other day during that time period when the market was experiencing extreme volatility. I was having a conversation with a few brokers and they had that deer-in-the-headlights look. They were lost, they had no focus. And they asked me, “Why are you in such a good mood? Why are you so positive? ” I replied, “If I can’t control it, I’m not going to let it bother me. I’m going to focus on what I need to do. I’m going to focus on everything within the four walls of my business and that’s it.” And one of the brokers said, “My God, you got ice in your veins. Nothing bothers you. You’re the Iceman.”

That’s when I adopted the nickname, the Iceman. What exactly does that mean? Let’s take that, ICE. Ice is freezing cold. ICE; First, identify the challenge or the problem. Back then, I identified that everything I couldn’t control was controlling my mindset. So, I had to change my identity.

I had to create an identity where I was in control versus everything else was in control. Once I identified the challenge and I changed my identity, the C was to take on the challenge. What was the challenge? It was staying focused and taking action to move myself forward. And that also took change. I had to change. The market wasn’t changing, the environment wasn’t changing. I needed to change. Once I got my identity by identifying what was going on, addressing the challenge, and making the change, I embraced it. The E is for Embrace. Embrace the suck. We could either get sucked into it and let all the adversity take us down or embrace it, hug it as a challenge to grow and move forward. And we do that with education. By identifying and embracing the challenges and start moving forward, we create our own piece of education.

As I look back on that period from 2000 to 2002, when I adopted the Iceman mentality of attitude, action, results, my identity changed, I took on the challenge, and that was a tremendous education that propelled me forward to be the coach I am today. That exactly is what ICE represents. Identify, change your identity, take on the challenge, change, and embrace the suck with education.

Attitude, action, results has been my mantra since 2001. It has propelled me and my business forward. It’s also an advantage that I bring to my clients as they adapt the same.

So, I wish you a happy New Year as 2025 is upon us. Join me every Monday with the tips and strategies to help you create the attitude so you can take the right actions so you can get the results you’re looking for in 2025.

Again, if you didn’t do my workbook, go back to last week, and take that workbook. Get really clear because your destiny is up to you. It’s all a choice. You create the attitude, you take the action, and you get the results.

COACH MICHAEL DILL is an Award-Winning Certified Business Coach, global speaker, and published author. He is a proud Action Coach Franchise partner as well as the President of Power & Ice Wealth Creation a strategic leadership company that works with business owners, leaders, teams, and entrepreneurs to both develop a systematized and structured organization while accelerating their mindset, efficiencies, and effectiveness to grow both personally and professionally to achieve extraordinary results. He brings more than 40 years of business and entrepreneurial experience in his leadership, team training, and mentoring practice. Businesscoachmichaeldill.com