
Leadership and Management Bootcamp

Do you have managers in your business that have excelled in being great performers as team members however, struggle with being great managers?

They most likely were promoted to a position of management because of their individual accomplishments and contribution. However, they now need to take on a leadership role to generate that same level of performance from the team. ​

“If they haven’t been properly trained to lead and empower others . . . they will struggle in this new role.”

This one-day Boot Camp is designed for smart, motivated managers who want to increase their effectiveness. Whether they are up-and-coming, or have a few years under their belt, this Boot Camp will give them practical tips and tools to help them multiply the results from their teams.

During this Management / Leadership training, said members will increase their understanding of:

Coach Michael Dill hereby agrees to deliver the following:

  • Individual personal SWOTs; Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats for clarity.
  • DISC Assessments reviewed with all participants for complete understanding.
  • Understanding of how miscommunication effects time, energy, productivity, and margins.
  • Understanding and identifying own and fellow team members behavioral profiles for better communication, alignment, productivity, execution, and results.
  • Increased Understanding of Management, Leadership, & Communication Skills.
  • Understanding the Mastering of traits of leading, empowering and achieving results in others.
  • Addressing any specific management-related challenges (this will be interactive, with Q&A, open discussions and peer-to-peer learning)
  • Rhinoceros Success, and 212 The Extra Degree books for each participant.

This training will take place in 4 phases:

1. CEO Prep Session – Wednesday, October 2nd, 1:00-2:00p EST (15 minutes)

This is a mandatory session for the business owner or CEO, to give you an overview of what your managers will be learning, so you can follow up and reinforce any changes.

2. Management / Leadership Boot Camp Workshop – Friday, October 4th, 9:00-2:00p EST

This is an intensive half-day in person interactive education.

3. Post Call with CEO – Wednesday, October 9th (15-30 minutes)

This serves as a follow-up session with the business owner or CEO, to gauge any feedback as well as discuss any shifts and learnings you’ve witnessed from your managers and how they have implemented these new skills and techniques in their style.

4. Follow-up group calls for Managers – Mid October

This call serves as a 30-day follow up session to gauge how your managers have implemented what they learned in the training. After they’ve had a chance to practice some of the new skills and techniques, this will provide an opportunity for them to ask questions, address real-time management challenges, and continue to learn from each other.

Pricing & Registration

$750 per person, or $600 per attendee when you send groups of 4 or more from the same company.

Training fee includes a DISC assessment.

Complete the enrollment form below to grab confirm your seat and pay.  Our office will contact you to gather attendee details.