Let me take a moment and wish everybody a happy Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. More than 50 years ago today, on his march in Washington, the words Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke echoed into eternity. “I have a dream.” Those words inspired people to follow him. Those words alone inspired many people to take action.
As we venture into our journey of 2021, we’re halfway into the first month, are you following your dream? To achieve our dream there’s a certain process and action plan we must take once we have that vision. The first step is we want to get clear on the dream of what we want in our business and our life. However, that’s just the first step.
The second step is we have to turn that dream into a goal. A goal is a dream with a timeline. It becomes more specific. It becomes more real, because you put a timeline on it. Once you turn that dream into a goal, you must create a plan. Hopefully, a month ago, you took the time to plan for 2021. You took that dream that’s fixated in your mind, like Dr. Martin Luther King had, and then you turn it into a goal. You write it down, you add timeline to it, you make it real.
Then you create a plan, the action steps that you need to take to accomplish that goal. And the last step is the big A, action. You must act on that plan. So many things that never hit this world as reality were an idea, a dream in someone’s mind, but they never turned it to a goal. They never created a plan, and they never took action.
The only way to create the reality of what you want is to follow those steps. Get fixated on your dream. See the possibilities. Turn it into a goal. Create a timeline. Put it on paper. Map out a plan. Once you get clear on your plan, take action. And just like I said last week, be a rhinoceros and charge it down.
2021 is all about results, and for us to get results, we must take action. So, get clear on your dream. Turn it into a goal. Make it a plan. Take action, and get what you want in 2021.
COACH MICHAEL DILL is an Award-Winning, Certified, Business Coach, Speaker, and Trainer. He brings more than 40 years of business and entrepreneurial experience in his leadership, team training, and mentoring practice. Michael’s passion is to both encourage and challenge business owners and entrepreneurs to become their best selves both personally and professionally to obtain all they want in their business and life. Businesscoachmichaeldill.com