Since it’s football season here in America, let’s take a look at football and proper communication. Depending on your geographic world location and interest there are actually three types of footballs. In places like Australia, New Zealand and other related areas we have the rugby ball, originally called a quanco. In these areas, this sport is called football. There’s another international football sport in some places that we in America know as soccer. Talk to someone in South America and soccer would be referred to as the real game of football.
Here in America, we know football as the real sport of football. The ball we refer to is the real football. However, say that to someone in New Zealand and they’ll say, “That’s not real football, our game is the real football.” One word. Three different sports, three different balls, three different representations and perceptions of real football.
I share this as in real life we all have different communication styles. We all tend to communicate differently. Most importantly we want to be communicated to in our communication style, not that of others. We should never assume that the other party is understanding how and what we are actually communicating. Because if we are communicating in our style while not understanding their style of communication, we just might be falling on deaf ears. Based on the above topic and understanding of football, it’s now a little more obvious that we just might not be in proper communication with others.
In the professional world, I always use assessments with my clients. These assessments once taken reveal what of the four types of behaviors the individual represents. Usually, all of us reflect all four behaviors, however, are usually dominate in two of the four. These two behaviors dictate our primary communication style.
Certain types of behaviors are very dominate and when speaking to them we must get right to the point with no fluff. Certain behaviors want to be more friendly and engaging in a conversation, they may want to talk about what’s going on with both them and you. They can also be very animated in their conversation style. Other behaviors are all about the facts, they are very precise in their articulation and observation of what you are presenting in the conversation. They may ask lots of questions of which they expect you to be accurate with your answers. They won’t necessarily be friendly and engaging as that is not their style. Another behavior will be friendly, however, will be very reserved in their nature and you will need to be conscious of slowing down your rate of speaking as to adhere to their style.
As you can now understand that if you are not aware of these different styles of communication and you are communicating in your style only. You just may be turning some people off and worse yet, you won’t even understand why. This may hurt your sales conversions percentage in the business. It may hurt in communicating properly to your different team members. This may also hurt in your conversations with those you love the most.
Understand that even if you believe that you are communicating well, you may only be communicating well in your style and not the style of those who you are actually communicating too.
Remember again that it’s football season. Be clear when you’re talking football to someone that it may just be your version of football you’re talking about and not necessarily theirs. The same applies in any other conversation you may be having with anyone else on no matter what topic of the conversation.
If anyone would like more understanding of the different styles of communication, feel free to reach out.