Over the last several weeks, I went over several of the principles in the book Think and Grow Rich and shared some of the things we need to do to become more successful.
Think and Grow Rich was written for the whole purpose of success leaves clues. Napoleon Hill invested 25 years of analysis and research on the most successful people on the planet, of which 13 principles were created, that if we follow and master, we will become successful also.
Once a year, I and many other like-minded individuals participate in a 12-week deep dive mastermind on this book so we can really understand the principles, how to apply them, put them in place, and get the results we’re looking for. When you master the principles in this book, it’ll change your business, it’ll change your life.
However, I have a final disclaimer on what we spoke about over the last several weeks. There are two words that will take you down if you don’t get rid of them, and those two words are if only. If only; anything that comes after those two words leads to procrastination, avoidance, the what ifs, alibis, excuses, and all those things that don’t serve us. If some of these if only phrases are being repeated in your mind or your voice, you need to ditch them.
Here are a few to be aware of.
If only I had a good education. If you are clear on where you’re going and what information you need, there are plenty of sources out there in the world to get exactly what information you need to get you from where you are to where you’re going.
If only I had good health. There are lots of us that have ailments. However, there are some that have come back from war with lost limbs, but they’ve gone out and made a tremendous impact on this world. This is the one body we’ve got. We have what we have. Take care of yourself, and take care of your health. But if you’re not 100%, don’t use it as a crutch.
If only I had more time. Who reading this has said that? We’ve all said it. Guilty as charged. You have 24 hours a day. That’s it. Get intentional about where to spend your time. You only don’t have enough time when you’re not intentionally investing that time in the things that are going to get you to move forward.
If only I were younger. I’m 64 years old, yeah, I’d like to be younger. It is what it is. However, I’ve got 64 years of wisdom behind me. Don’t use that as an excuse. There are many people much, much, older than I, who are making a huge impact in this world.
If only times were better. Really? Come on. The only thing that matters is everything within the four walls of your business and your world. Focus on what you could focus on to be the best you could possibly be. Impact your team, impact your clients, impact your family, and that’s all you can control. There’ll be good times and bad, but remember, thoughts are things, what you think about most is what you’ll experience. If the good times are not out there, go create them.
If only I could do it all over again. Well, guess what, you can’t. However, you can learn from your mistakes, you can learn from your challenges, tweak your approach, and get better the next time.
If only I can just get started. Really? That’s your if only? Just get up, move your body, and use your mind. I met a gentleman who was 83 years old and I so wanted to learn from him because he was successful, he was enthusiastic, he was energetic, and I was a young man looking for clues. He told me, “What you’re looking for, Michael, is to keep your body and mind active.” That’s it. Keep moving. So, if you have a hard time getting started, just begin.
And the last one, if only I could find good people. Who owns a company that has said this? There are many good people out there. You just need to create the environment and the culture to attract those good people.
There are more than 30 if only alibies in this book. I’m sure you could also create your own if you want to procrastinate and avoid taking action.
Understand that the two most powerful words in the human language are I am. I’m an amazing coach, doing amazing things, with amazing clients, who are getting amazing results. I’m an amazing man, living an amazing life, with my amazing wife. I’m an amazing father, to amazing, adventurous, children who are growing into amazing results. I create my destiny.
Get rid of the if only, replace them with I am, get clear on everything we’ve talked about. If you really want to dig deep into the principles to become successful, join me and other like-minded individuals for the 12-week book study mastermind on Think and Grow Rich. Success leaves clues. They’re all here for the making. You try to go at it alone, doesn’t work. Do it with a group and I guarantee results.
COACH MICHAEL DILL is an Award-Winning Certified Business Coach, global speaker, and published author. He is a proud Action Coach Franchise partner as well as the President of Power & Ice Wealth Creation a strategic leadership company that works with business owners, leaders, teams, and entrepreneurs to both develop a systematized and structured organization while accelerating their mindset, efficiencies, and effectiveness to grow both personally and professionally to achieve extraordinary results. He brings more than 40 years of business and entrepreneurial experience in his leadership, team training, and mentoring practice. Businesscoachmichaeldill.com