Several years ago, I was challenged by a coach of mine who asked me a couple of questions about a book that I read numerous times, “Think & Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. First of all, “Think & Grow Rich” was written and published by Napoleon Hill in 1937. He was challenged by Andrew Carnegie to take 25 years of his life to analyze, and research, the most talented, most professional, most successful people on the planet, the Forbes, the Vanderbilts, the Rockefellers, and come up with principles that if you learn, study, and master, it will help you become extremely successful.
I finally read this book about eight years ago with a group, the way it was supposed to be read, applying the mastermind principle, and I can’t tell you how much value I received from doing it correctly. Also, it made me realize how much I really left on the table by reading it alone.
I now teach this every year in a deep dive 12-week book study. The reason I share this is that as I do this course every single year with a group, the principles get deeper and deeper within me, and I understand now what needs to happen to be centered, to be present, to really focus on being intentional about what I truly want in business and life. Now I have the recipe on exactly how to go about making that happen so I can write my goals down, check them off, and accomplish them.
Most importantly, I now find that there’s a certain alignment that I need to have with the principles of “Think & Grow Rich”, because as the old saying goes; success leaves clues. If I just follow the principles, I will be successful both in business and in life. So, when things aren’t going the way they should or the way I want, I usually find myself out of alignment with the principles. There are certain principles of showing up right in life, doing the right thing, being super intentional, writing down our goals, creating plans to get what we want, to focusing on only what serves us instead of all the noise out there in the world.
When you do that, you get better results because you’re putting your time, energy, and effort exactly where it needs to be to get you what you want. But then when you’re struggling and things aren’t working, you can identify the fact that you’re out of alignment with some of those proven principles. Whatever the right things you have done in your life and are doing now that produce results, keep on doing it, however, get very conscious and intentional that when you’re out of alignment, the results you want, you’re not going to get. It’s not because of anything you can’t control. It’s because you have just slipped a little bit momentarily from the alignment of the principles that make you successful.
Get clear on what they are, stay in alignment, and you will continually write down great goals, create bucket list items, and hopefully continue to check them off and create a more desired life for you and those around you.
COACH MICHAEL DILL is an Award-Winning Certified Business Coach, global speaker, and published author. He is a proud Action Coach Franchise partner as well as the President of Power & Ice Wealth Creation a strategic leadership company that works with business owners, leaders, teams, and entrepreneurs to both develop a systematized and structured organization while accelerating their mindset, efficiencies, and effectiveness to grow both personally and professionally to achieve extraordinary results. He brings more than 40 years of business and entrepreneurial experience in his leadership, team training, and mentoring practice.