
It’s movie time!

I hope you will all join me for the next four weeks as we are going to have a little fun going back into memory lane with a favorite movie of mine. The hit movie was called “Jerry Maguire”. Directed by Cameron Crowe and released in December of 1996, Jerry Maguire became a fan favorite with wonderful actors as well as several catchy phrases that are still used today. Both this movie as well as the actors were nominated and won several top motion picture awards. If you have not seen the movie, please do. If you have seen the movie, please watch it again as I will be sharing some key lessons over the next few weeks. 

The movie is about a slick sports agent Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise) who has a crisis of conscience and writes a heartfelt memo or mission statement that promptly gets him fired. Desperate to hang on to the athletes that he represents, Jerry starts his own management firm. He employs an assistant of the firm, Dorothy Boyd a single mother (Renee Zellweger) to join him in his new venture. They start their journey by banking on their sole client, Arizona Cardinals football player Rod Tidwell played by (Cuba Gooding Jr.). 

To complicate matters even more, Jerry and Dorothy begin to fall in love as they struggle to make their business work. It’s a journey of all the ups, downs, emotions of failure and success of both life and business. It is also a journey of those in the movie finding what is most important. 

Over the next four weeks, I will extract four key catchphrases from the movie and share how they can be applied to being successful in both business and life. I hope you all join me for some fun. In the meantime, send me your thoughts on what some of those four catchphrases may be.

In addition, while watching the movie, also keep an eye out for one of the late greats from the band “The Eagles”.

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