
Thank a Veteran!

This past Sunday, November 11th was Veterans Day, and an opportunity for us to give thanks to those that served our country. Veterans Day began in 1919 when President Wilson declared the 11th hour, of the 11th day of the 11th month as Armistice Day; when fighting ended in World War I. After World War II, this was later changed to Veterans Day and became a day to honor all of those who served our country.

How can we honor and thank these veterans when they cross our path? We can simply invite them for a cup of coffee, thank them for their service and just get to know a little bit about them. If your organization owns a four pack of season tickets to your local sports team. Think about not donating the tickets, but actually bringing a couple of veterans to a game with your business partner, spouse or child. It’s a great way of saying thanks. You’ll be able to hear some amazing stories while building some incredible connections and relationships. You’ll find that a simple gesture of appreciation goes a long way in their eyes.

In addition, if you own a business or large organization, consider donating a portion of your earnings to a military foundation. I myself donate monthly to the Military Hero’s Foundation, which send packages over seas to our soldiers and pools money for a returning soldier who may need some assistance.

If you own or lead an organization think about actually hiring a veteran. Many veterans possess skills and talents needed in today’s business world. They bring a tremendous understanding and culture of teamwork. To them the motto “There’s no ‘I’ in TEAM” isn’t just a saying. No one understands the crucial, life and death, importance of teamwork more than a veteran, and knowing how much more they can all accomplish when working together.

Another trait of veterans is their ability to perform under pressure. Whenever you might think that your job is stressful and you’re ready to throw in the towel, remember that no one is throwing a grenade into your cubicle. You get to drive home after work and have dinner with your family. Veterans know the importance of carefully and thoroughly completing their mission if they want to go home, no matter what kind of day they’re having. There’s no quitting for veterans!

This year marks the sixth annual National Veterans Small Business Week. Thousands of men and women of the Armed Forces have used their skills to start their own business. In fact, there are 2.5 million veteran-owned businesses in the U.S. that contribute approximately 1.4 trillion dollars to the nation’s total sales/receipts per year. Continue to support to our veterans by patronizing their businesses.

If you are considering hiring a veteran or donating to a worthy military foundation. Maybe sitting down for a cup of coffee to hear a veteran’s story. If it’s you and your partner taking them to a game and sharing some high fives or just simply acknowledging them by shaking their hand and saying thank you for your service. However, we do it, these simple kind acts are the least we can do to show our appreciation for their brave sacrifice to us and our country.