
Book of the Week: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill


Think and Grow Rich was written in 1937 by Napoleon Hill and is one of the original books on personal development and self-improvement. Hill was inspired by a suggestion from Scottish–American business magnate and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie.

As a young special investigator for a national business magazine, Napoleon Hill was sent to interview Andrew Carnegie. During that interview, Carnegie slyly dropped a hint of a certain master power he used; a magic law of the human mind-a little known psychological principle that was amazing in its power. Carnegie suggested to Hill that on that principle he could build the philosophy of all personal success-whether it be measured in terms of Money, Power, Position, Prestige, Influence, or Accumulation of Wealth.

Napoleon Hill’s work examined the power of personal beliefs, and the role they play in personal success. “What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve” is one of Hill’s hallmark expressions. How achievement actually occurs, and a formula for it that puts success in reach for the average person.

Think and Grow Rich is the standard for motivational literature. I think I first read this book about 25 years ago and have read it numerous times since. The book presents the essential commodities for success, in the simplest terms possible. The book is built on research conducted by Napoleon Hill over a period of 25 years, interviewing more than five hundred of the most affluent and successful people of his time like Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell to name a few.

Think and Grow Rich has been used by millions of business leaders around the world to create a concrete plan for success that, when followed, never fails. It will definitely change the way you think. I firmly believe that the methods described in the book can make anybody who follows them extremely successful. Think and Grow Rich is a must read for anybody who wants to be successful.

Think and Grow Rich is also not a book that you read once and shelf. This is a book that must be studied and sometimes should be read over and over again until understood. Because when you expose yourself to the influence of this philosophy and truly understand the thirteen steps to riches in this book and consistently apply them, you will begin to experience a changed life which may help you not only to negotiate your way through life with harmony and understanding, but also to prepare yourself for the accumulation of material riches in abundance.

So go ahead, if you haven’t read this book, read it. If you’ve already read it, read it again. Be ready to open your mind and enjoy a book that certainly provides us the road map of wealth and abundance.