
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr – The Master of Communication.

I want to wish everyone a happy Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Day. I would also like to honor this man by pointing out on how exemplified the art of communication.

Communication or lack of communication is the link between a successful or unsuccessful marriage, organization, team or endeavor. Any time there is a break down in an organization, partnership, or endeavor it usually comes from a lack of communication.

I have shared seven points of what you can practice and master the art of communication.

Passion – We all remember King as a very passionate speaker. That passion allowed his audience to feed off his energy and believe every word that he spoke. What type of passion are you bringing with you when you speak?

Language – King only spoke of the possibilities. He always used positive language to point out the benefits of taking the high road and how we can make a difference. By using positive language, he consistently made his message absolutely clear. Are you using positive uplifting language in your conversations and meetings with your team or family?

Context – King was a master of establishing historical context in his messages. He brought those historical stories to his speech and empowered people in his movement and sense of mission. What context do you share with your team to empower them to follow your movement or mission?

Authenticity – King always spoke from his heart. He clearly exemplified the example of leadership by consistently communicating his story. A story that embodied his life. His audience clearly understood that he was living his story. What’s your story? Can your team and clients clearly see that you are living your story?

Practice – We all remember the “I Have a Dream” speech, a speech that was mostly spoken on the spot without any notes. What his audience didn’t understand is that he had been working on that content for months and years prior during his other speakings. He became very comfortable with his content as he experimented with what worked and didn’t work. How much do you prepare before you speak in front of your audience and team?

Vision – His simple yet memorable phrase “I Have a Dream,” lives on forever. Why, because he used it consistently. He created a vision for all others to believe in and follow. What is your vision and have you clearly articulated that to your team of followers?

Connection – King, obviously mastered the ability to connect with his audience. This connection came from a place of where he believed that we together can make a difference. It’s an energy that you just can’t fake. It’s a connection that moves people to action. Connection is the purest form of communication. When you speak are you making that type of connection by being present in your communication?

Practice and master these seven traits in your communication and you will be amazed on how everyone else around you will begin to step up and show up more in business and in life. You’ll also be amazed in what type of leader you will have become in the process.