
Happy Thanksgiving – Time to be Grateful.

Yes, Thanksgiving is this Thursday. A time for relaxing, eating, watching football, being with loved ones and most importantly being thankful for what we have.

While you’re all having fun this week whether you are traveling up north or just staying home with family and friends. Be sure to take a moment and really get clear on all the people and things you have in both your business and life to be thankful for. Most importantly when you get clear, be sure to reach out to those people and let them know how important they are to you. There is nothing better in this world than having one say “Thank You” for just being you.

Take a moment to also think about the following. Is it true that we can sometimes lose focus of all these gifts we have in our life? Can we sometimes lose sight of all that blesses us on a daily basis?  Is it possible that the things others actually dream of, we have and can, unfortunately, take grated of these things?

Do we choose to focus on and leverage what we have at our disposal to grow ourselves and our business? Do we take the time to slow down and actually thank those that impact our lives and business? There are blessings all around us every day. Unfortunately, in business and life, with things moving at such a hectic pace we can simply forget to slow down and be grateful for all we have.

In addition, when things don’t quite work out as planned we tend to look at what we don’t have opposed to what we do.

I have implemented a simple strategy that I use to combat this challenge, I believe I learned it from Oprah Winfrey. It’s what is called a gratitude journal and it works very well in keeping our minds in the right place. Just a simple composition book will do for this exercise. Every morning or every evening, just write 5 things that you are grateful most for, that’s it. It can be anything. Heck this time of year we can just be grateful for our South Florida weather!

In life and business, not everything will always go as planned. Essentially in life and business, “you actually get what you focus on.” So, it’s best to focus on what’s right opposed to the later. If you don’t have a gratitude journal already, start it today and focus on all your blessings in life and you’ll be surprised how everything just happens to work out.

In addition, make sure you take the time to reach out to those most important to you and let them know of how Thankful for them.

Happy Thanksgiving!