
Mastery of your Business Foundation – Step III

In continuing the conversation on the building of a solid foundation of your business. Especially, in times like these, a solid foundation in your business is absolutely essential. We have previously covered time and money mastery. Today we’re discussing step three which is delivery mastery.

I will admit, the delivery process has been altered a bit for certain industries in this current economic cycle. There’s no doubt about that statement. However, when we address delivery mastery, it is all about delivering what you say, the way you say, when you say. Your clients and customers have to feel confident that they can rely on you consistently delivering what they want, when they want, the way they want it.

McDonald’s is a perfect example. You can go anywhere in the world, get the same burger, the same fry, the same shake, the same soda exactly the same. They have mastered delivery mastery. They have mastered consistency. Another company that masters delivery is Amazon. With Amazon Prime, you get what you ordered the next day. You know it’s going to be on the doorstep. They’re going to let you know that it’s been delivered. It’s perfect. Order it, next day, doorstep. That’s beautiful. You look at their trucks, they’re always clean and professional. Amazon has mastered delivery.

What do you need to be implementing to upgrade your delivery process? First, you need to have delivery standards followed by KPIs for all your personnel. KPIs are key performance indicators, action steps of what you can measure them by. Take a look at the quality of the delivery, the timing of the delivery, the professionalism of a delivery. Create different ways to test and measure the way they’re delivering your products and services.

Now may be a good time to send out satisfaction surveys, to ask your clients what you can do better to step up and deliver to them. To properly give them what they want, when they want, the way they want, simply ask them. We’re currently in interesting times. A few months down the road, those who are sharpening their ax and tightening their trade now will be the performers, and those who aren’t working on their trade will be left behind.

For this week, make a commitment to look at how you’re delivering your product and services. Are you delivering consistently? What areas do you need to tighten up? What systems do you need to put in place? What measurements, in what areas do you need to implement with a commitment and standard to be your best? Look at the McDonald’s, look at the Amazon Primes, look at some of your competitors that are doing it in a masterful way. Learn from what and how they do it and deliver in your own masterful way.

Master this area of your business in combination with the previous two and you’ll be 75% of the way to building the solid foundation in your business.

Final words of wisdom. Stay strong. Remember, attitude, keep your mind right, take the proper actions and the results will follow.