
Our Founding Father. Happy Presidents Day!

President’s Day, is a day that celebrates all U.S. presidents (past and present). Initially, President’s Day was called Washington’s Birthday in honor of George Washington, the first President of the United States. His birthday on February 22 became a significant day of remembrance following his death in 1799. President’s Day, now a federal holiday is observed on the third Monday of February, combines the celebration of Washington’s Birthday with Abraham Lincoln’s, which both fell in February.

Let’s take a look at our original founding father, President George Washington.

George Washington served as the commander and chief of both the Colonial Army as well as our country. He was known of being a man of great character, words spoken on Washington were integrity, self-discipline, courage, absolute honesty, resolve, and decision. Because of these traits, Washington became our original founding father and is often referred to as the “Father of his Country”.

George Washington was a raw and ambitious 21-year-old Major who served the British army in the French and Indian War. Because of the character he displayed he became highly respected by his peers. During this experience of serving, Washington observed the tactics, culture, discipline, strengths and few weaknesses as the British army at the time was the strongest force in the world. This observation would serve him well as the eventual commander in the American Revolutionary War. 

When the colonies eventually went to war with the British, Washington brought tremendous resolve that came from the backing of all the founding fathers of our nation. This strong determination and commitment came from these fifty-six men who signed their name on the Declaration of Independence. Knowing that if the war with the British is lost, they would all be hanging from the gallows in Great Britain. This resolve to Freedom from British rule would trickle down to the men he commanded during and through to the end of the American Revolutionary War (1775 – 1783).

After, Washington led his country to victory. He became the first American president under the United States Constitution and was elected in 1789 and again in 1792. President Washington remains the only president to be unanimously elected, which has become another strong point in his legacy.

In October 1941, Washington’s massive portrait was carved into Mount Rushmore in the Black Hills region of South Dakota. A true testament of the man he was and how his legacy will live forever.

On this President’s Day, let’s not look at others of how they may need to shine up their character traits. However, take a look at ourselves of how we can become more while remembering the resolve of Freedom in our original founding father.

Remember as it always starts with, “Attitude”; Washington brought his attitude of resolve and patriotism which dripped down to all who fought for our freedom. This energy in turn gave all the ability to take the “Action” to persevere through the eight hard years of war that eventually produce the “Results” of declaring the colonies a free nation.

Happy President’s Day!