
Keep a Compelling Scoreboard

We all remember Hurricane Katrina how it completely ravaged New Orleans. Us football fans may remember that first Monday Night football game hosted by the New Orleans Saints back in the Super Dome. It was like the city was whole again as they all finally got a chance to cheer.

There were also some lower level football games going on in the city. One particular Friday evening, weeks after the storm the local high school team had an important game to play. As usual and expected, the stands were full with the usual excitement leading up to the kickoff. However, once the ball was kicked off and the game progressed, something unusual was happening. No one was cheering. There was no enthusiasm or excitement coming from the stands. Actually, no one was even paying attention to the game at all. What was going on?

The scoreboard had been blown down by the hurricane and had not yet been repaired. Because there was no scoreboard, no one knew what the score was, what down it was or how much time was left on the clock. The game was in progress, the boys were playing, however, no one in the stands knew what was actually happening.

The lesson is that no matter how hard the game is being played if you are not keeping score, no one will care. If you do not have a compelling scoreboard in your organization where people are keeping track of not only their own in addition to the overall company progress, the results, where you’re at and how far you need to go to accomplish the goal, the enthusiasm will eventually erode and it will be back to business as usual.

Great teams know what it takes to win because they know the score. Create a Compelling Scoreboard, empower your team, track the measures and go win your game.

For more, visit us at Youtube: https://youtu.be/CR6a9rFHfJI