
Six C’s of Recruitment and Retention4 min read

Recruitment and retention are two very important ingredients in any organization. As we attract the right people, employ the right people, and retain the right people, that helps with productivity, our brand consistency, and most importantly, margins. However, if we’re consistently hiring and on-boarding people, that energy is taking away from building the business to increase revenues and profits.
The first step of the six Cs of retention and recruitment is Competency. It’s finding people with the capacity to learn. The first step of any business, anyone’s life, actually, is you’re a student/employee. You’re working for somebody else. You’re actually getting paid to learn. So, you’re really wanting to find people with the capacity and the impetus to learn, so they can grow and get better both personally and professionally.

There are certain things you could do. There are some great little books out there, Rhinoceros Success is one of the ones I start with. It’s a book to get them in the right mindset, to charge, to make things happen, and to get clear on their goals. After they finish that book, the second book is 212 Degrees, which helps them get very clear on that one extra degree that makes a huge difference in the outcome. These two little books get them in the right mindset and have them ask how can I get a little bit better each and every day. That’s just one little thing that will help with the retention of those individuals.

The second step, obviously, is you want somebody with a Can-Do Attitude. There’s no such word as the word can’t. If you use that word, you’re going to fail. We can do anything. We are limitless in the possibilities of what we can achieve in our business and our life. It’s only our mindset that keeps us from achieving the possibilities which are there for us. You really want to find somebody that has that can-do attitude, that will be happy to get things done.

Number three is Chemistry to Connect. You need people that have the ability to connect with others. Now, there are certain people that are great at what they do, they really don’t need to be great at connecting if they’re just going over spreadsheets and numbers and reporting to you. But they still have to be able to connect with you, to educate you on what they’re finding so you can use those numbers to increase your business.

With that, obviously, you’re looking for people that are good Communicators. Communication is the number one most important thing in any relationship, between a husband and wife and between an organization with hundreds to thousands of employees. Lack of communication is the beginning of the breakdown. Great communication is what keeps the business moving forward with everybody on the same page.

The next is Consistency. Warren Buffett would say, “You don’t have to do extraordinary things to get extraordinary results. Just do the little things consistently to deliver.” That’s it. Just get consistent so people will know what they’re getting, when they’re getting it, they can rely on you and your organization and your employees.

The last most important of the six Cs of retention and recruitment is Commitment. People have to commit. You have a brand, you have an organization, and get people who are willing to commit to doing what it takes to be great in your organization.

Last, as a bonus, I’ll give you Culture. When you take care of the first six Cs, Competency, Can-do Attitude, Chemistry to Connect, Communication, Consistency, and the Commit attitude, you’ll create a Culture of employees that want to represent and stay with your brand with the goal of hopefully advancing their own position with your organization.

COACH MICHAEL DILL is an Award-Winning Certified Business Coach, global speaker, and published author. He is a proud Action Coach Franchise partner as well as the President of Power & Ice Wealth Creation a strategic leadership company that works with business owners, leaders, teams, and entrepreneurs to both develop a systematized and structured organization while accelerating their mindset, efficiencies, and effectiveness to grow both personally and professionally to achieve extraordinary results. He brings more than 40 years of business and entrepreneurial experience in his leadership, team training, and mentoring practice. Businesscoachmichaeldill.com