
How to Make an IMPACT!3 min read

I’m sure if you’re like me, you’d like to make a difference for yourself, your family, your community, your business, your team, your customers, your clients. And to do that, we need to make an impact. I took a look at that word and broke it down, and this is what I believe impact means. 

First of all, I, Imagine. Imagine what we can create when we take all the barriers down and think only of the possibilities. When we get really clear on the purpose of why we’re here and how we want to show up and what we want to deliver to others. We now begin to make it about others where we can make an impact. 

Once you get clear on that, the next letter is M, Move. Once you get an idea, you need to move and take action immediately. You need to start planning and getting others around you to get you and keep you moving. The bottom line, you need to get into action. 

The next letter is P, Persistence. Things never happen on the first try. Once we get clear on our purpose and what we want to accomplish, we need to be persistent in moving forward while keeping our eye on the prize and doing whatever it takes to eventually get there. 

A is for Attitude. To make an impact, you have to have a positive mental attitude. You have to be on your A-game. 

C. Once you get clear on all this, you need to communicate accordingly and enroll others in your purpose, to get them on board because we can’t accomplish anything alone. Communicate with the people around you about the purpose of what you’re going to do to make an impact. 

And most importantly, T, God has all given us a talent. We just have to get present with it and put it in play. When you get clear on your purpose, apply your talent, and put all your energy into what you bring forward with authenticity. The right people will show up to help you on your quest of making an impact. 

So, if you want to make an impact, imagine the possibilities. Get moving, be persistent, have a positive mental attitude, communicate to those who could help you on this purpose, and most importantly, utilize your God-given talent. Because, when you do, you as everyone else around you will see and feel the impact. 

COACH MICHAEL DILL is an Award-Winning Certified Business Coach, global speaker, and published author. He is a proud Action Coach Franchise partner as well as the President of Power & Ice Wealth Creation a strategic leadership company that works with business owners, leaders, teams, and entrepreneurs to both develop a systematized and structured organization while accelerating their mindset, efficiencies, and effectiveness to grow both personally and professionally to achieve extraordinary results. He brings more than 40 years of business and entrepreneurial experience in his leadership, team training, and mentoring practice. Businesscoachmichaeldill.com